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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Just throwng it out there
Who knows
Fiance is going in for a vasectomy today. This is his official paperwork.
take that, science.
bully repellent
It's this time of year
A friend of mine has been working on a game called "2020: THE BOARD GAME". These are his monopoly-style metal pieces.
Sidney Ginger
Teaching the AI's
I photoshop animals into various things. Here's a llama and a banana.
Earth's surface is 71% water
This was the gift from my son on last Father’s Day
Ace High, Jokers Wild
My girlfriend wanted to get a boob job. I told her I had a cheaper solution
Well... I guess we aren't the only ones fed up with 2020.
He really wants his bbq.
In your pocket
Solving physics
Leaving a bad review in the 1920s
Eternal Recess
Brought to you by the good people at OCP
God I love gender reveals
Saucerer... Get it :P
California right now.
Very intellec
Orange sky over San Francisco today
It’s ok, he still had a good time.
An act of kindness
Quick, Americans are asleep, post images of real football!
the return of the King
It's a ham!
How else are you going to find out?
Pick fool
The peak of technology
Scientists have just discovered a new type of human
anime cons be like
Asian grading system.
Get a jobb kid!
But but why...
Don’t do it mega man!
This tiny baby turtle has a rain drop as a bellybutton.
97% of the users here
Sometimes you have to take a pause and enjoy a photogenic goat
Sauce:pettycommajared on Instagram
Junk Male
We all know the sadness
This bumper sticker I saw.
Wu-Tang is for the Children
Bringing pizza to the gender reveal
Gotta share the good news.
"Cat" tree
Highest tech CCTV from Eastern Europe
ZZ Stop
Xbox life be hard for the whole family
At least you know
Share with somebody who wants to throw up!
Injured? Call now... Please
Hehe title
when your mom checks on you and you need to cover up the fact you're out getting absolutely smashed
The monsters always grab your ankles; everybody knows it
As a soon to be first time parent, this parenting book has been so educational.
Based Tourettes
Come on OP, it's 2am, only another 3 hours to go
Dropped in on my kids’ Zoom classes - payback for all the interruptions to my work calls
It's a Girl
Techno is lit
We’re having Twins!
Wonka’s factory was the original IKEA
Water is the solution
Slipping up
This just made my day.
looks like pigeon had a intense phone call
Well it made me laugh....
Can I have your name please
you deserve to be treated as good as this guy treats his Jordans
These Russian ‘OMOH’ special police uniforms in a mirror
Finally... I can keep my front and back door keys straight.
99% ∞ Years Left
Finally! Good news in 2020
Guzzle it down like an animal
its actually 300 years old so dont worry girls!
Airpods Max Bass! Only $599
2020 worst year ever?
God no
Redesign required for super heros
All we really need
I aspire to be this in the future