Along with being a doctor, this man is also a astronaut, a plumber, a teacher and an engineer.

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Wasn’t expecting to laugh this hard at Walgreens
My fishing prodigy
A jumbo elephant carefully climbing a wall to steal mangoes from a safari lodge's tree.
It's not doing well.
Totally emotionless except for her heart
Seeing these baby carriers while hiking lately always brings to mind...
I was looking for DIY portable fire pits...
Hail Squidward!
Spread it on!!!
We don't shake hands here
8 years on this site, don't even post. Just lurk and upvote
That's the problem with fake boobs
The more you look at it, the worse it gets
Please explain
The Mayan who wrote down 2012 instead of 2021
SIL got married, this is the second she realized she got BBQ sauce on her dress. Hubby still golden.
California in 2020.
.... and the old lady does not looks nutritious at all ...
Cardi B's WAP helping with the California wildfires
My mom sent me this and it's adorable.
Mr peanut butter?
eternally btfo
Worse than his bite.
The Husband
Being a visitor
Happy national HL holiday!
Kyle is an artist
Thanks, I'll pass
That's some good stuff
Croissant: A Slovenian Love Story in Four Panels. Also: #slobirb
Stupidity revealed
I was going through my grandpa’s things after he passed and found this... I thought I would share the laughs!
Another miserable post
#slobirb. Get ready for Lugano
Both are also good to rub on your dick
Blursed jesus
Not now son
#slobirb We should call PETA
Not mine but funny anyway.
The perfect movie
Music sheet has been quite offensive lately.
Finalist of the 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photograph Awards. Name of photographer unknown.
Easily confused. Hope this helps.
Kindergarten Zoom school by my husband.
trophy earned
My wife’s ultrasound reminded me of something...
my spanish textbook has someone calling someone and asking for their number
A friend told me to post this here, but my new birth control comes in a plain white container and I had to decorate it.
And they lived happily ever after
At least we have Thanksgiving to look forward to...
I'll take care of you now kitten
Hell yeah! All hail the Death Baby!
Just throwng it out there
Who knows
Fiance is going in for a vasectomy today. This is his official paperwork.
take that, science.
bully repellent
It's this time of year
A friend of mine has been working on a game called "2020: THE BOARD GAME". These are his monopoly-style metal pieces.
Sidney Ginger
Teaching the AI's
I photoshop animals into various things. Here's a llama and a banana.
Earth's surface is 71% water
This was the gift from my son on last Father’s Day
Ace High, Jokers Wild
My girlfriend wanted to get a boob job. I told her I had a cheaper solution
Well... I guess we aren't the only ones fed up with 2020.
He really wants his bbq.
In your pocket
Solving physics
Leaving a bad review in the 1920s
Eternal Recess
Brought to you by the good people at OCP
God I love gender reveals
Saucerer... Get it :P
California right now.
Very intellec
Orange sky over San Francisco today
It’s ok, he still had a good time.
An act of kindness
Quick, Americans are asleep, post images of real football!
the return of the King
It's a ham!
How else are you going to find out?
Pick fool
The peak of technology
Scientists have just discovered a new type of human
anime cons be like
Asian grading system.
Get a jobb kid!