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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
Poster of the Month

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Photo of a sign I saw in Harlem street NYC
Tell me how your day is going guys :p
Poop with your friends
Good points
how to curb roadrage!
Somethings just aren’t meant to be
let em be high breh
#spooktober! Fail
Very cold indeed
I carved a pumpkin to sum up 2020
Epic fail!!!! Jk it based
When you spend all your skill points on funny
Mom is the manager if the golf course. She's still keeping tabs on me, I'm 35.
*Initiates fire alarm noises*
My backpack is my company :D
get back to ur cage u ***ing slave
Master of the Mosquito Arts
best korea confirmed
What the ****
Live life on the edge boys
Each year my brother and I compete to give the hardest to open birthday gift. This year I’ve wrapped his gift in concrete
If Dracula had a cat.
BioShock infinite opening
I'm bored so I'll post random sh*t
Every boy should be ready to drop a couple of grand for dinner, right?
Either way, something's getting fertilized
fashion story
My dad's a hydrogeologist, this is probably my favorite mineral from his collection.
Humanities ain't fun at parties.
F*cked up world
Friendly reminder to wear a mask
Stop tempting fate
God d*mm
Painting was his second hobby
Never gonna buy this tea again!
where do i sign up ?
Thicker than a...
I recently became a cat breed expert
Please stay away
I understand brother
Cleaned my fridge today ...
After seeing one made on google, we decided to try our own!
"It's the perfect crime" -Patrick Star
My parents have this by their toilet
Oui Baguette!
Social Distance Support Cat
Introducing the window BBQ unit!
*credit card gets declined* prostitute:
Doubtful Kitty
Take the picture already!
Evolution of men waiting for their wife.
Gandalf moonlighting at Trader Joe’s in Phoenix ...
My refrigerator magnet.
Thought you'd guys would appreciate my pumpkin more than my family did
new guidelines
I have no idea why my dad increases his anxiety mess during the month of Halloween
Prime delivery
Nobody expects the wooden horse
This sign outside a local business
Self Awareness Level 1000
Joining the royals!
So I'm putting this out there to see if it sticks. Too many rules ?
....or all four
*Harmonica noises intensify*
The Venn diagram never lies
Thus the Great War began.
I feel like I’ve seen this somewhere....
my ghost is jewish
s l i d e
This guy listening to the saftey brief before takoff with saftey manual in hand and a HIGHLIGHTER!!!
Skeletor and Panthor.
I may have traded two letters for one, but it was so worth it
Tough to argue with a sign like this
Very realistic
Better than brazil
Work until your bank account looks like a phone number.
This is a Bob cat...
Got some halloween decorations and can't stop playing with these
I bet who ever made this is tire”d”
I go in for surgery at a Kaiser in Riverside, and I pass this O.R. on the way to mine.
My local ice cream shop sharing TRUTH.
Fasten your seatbelt
Don’t forget your coat
is ASS nsfw3?
The Eatles
Where's the huge furry dick?
An employee was not available...