Giving your friend beer to help you move is a tradition over 6000 years old

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John Cena get drafted to fight against Germany, 1940
Ah my O word
Pick ups lines
The first time a Concorde went into heat 1973.
do you like girls
Truly an outstanding movie
A Spurned Decision
I want to fly on a broom.
War is hell
If one is to understand the great mystery one must study all its aspects
A Polish Legion soldier in France, 1940
What should be his nickname in jail?
The invention of milkshakes cirka 1922
absolutely no rizz
Is not cool betray the people that helped you
Swap it now
Democracy Intensifies
Battle of Patay aka The French learned their lessons.
The serfs back home are gonna be so jealous
A post for our Comfy
Nestle is founded
A sad day for the industry and for Paris, France
Breakfast in Pompeii
love this scene
I found 2 concrete safes buried in my backyard. Can't wait to see what treasures are hiding inside...
Classic Europeans. Those rascals!
Oh, now I know what that is for. Because knowing is half the battle!
The age of rampant corruption and massive political machines
Expanding into Europe with all that swag
No matter the cost!
Guys I’m scared…
HL in a nutshell
slightly acidic
HBO is a joke
That’s some high IQ
Battle dog!!!
Salem held numerous witch trials- but also tomato trials
Seeing This On The News Without Context.... LOL
Celebration accessories are wild
Road justice served
based briton moment
You're not a real Empire unless the Tigris and the Euphrates were within your borders at some point
Videogames were wild back in the day, man
Still got a ways to go
It would be funny
Speed kills yanno
Too little, too late…
Meesa wants to cook
Somebody was clearly triggered
God creates Adam and Steve
Finally an eggplant representative of the average man
Be careful chasing that pump.
What they doin over there
now THAT'S customer service
The biggest challenge since Aquaman.
uh… what?
Carry on Netherlands
The first one looks like a mature king. The second one looks like a youthful hero.
What a weird time they should have lived
My supermarket thinks fried chicken is salad
He is smiling, sort of…
Which one you taking?
What's in those hot dogs?
missing the point smh
True universal peace achieved
We’re not ready
I searched him up and he’s very famous, even today.
this is why humanity is a joke
Pretty sure that's a war crime
IJA hide!
A unique version of imperialism compared to Europe
puta madre
Do you feel old yet?
Love from Kazakhstan
Nature is healing
my dad goes to a bar with his friends every friday and he makes a list of discussion topics
Mine are the Hittites
Don't be a serf
Hey, it's Saturday now, so it's cool to post this, right?
Nature enthusiast
How, When and Who to Marry
A wild lemon eats a lime for sustenance
Yes, The "Good Old Days" - I remember them well.
Download the image and flip it!
The Pizza Wars begin
How times have changed from being enemies in the 1770s, to our one of our Closest Allies Today! Much love from the US to the UK!
Remember, sometimes radical Christianity isn't always wrong.
People who say this are delusional
*** you Steven Spielberg
I cant be the only one here that experiences this pain
Such a criminal offence!
Well, whaddya know?
The UN has a tradition of giving no attention to men
What's a CD Drive
Can someone explain context
i have the formula on my fridge, thank you
Emprah pls
Gimme them giant toes