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Honestly don't mind if I do join them
One of his best
Hulk was Savage about fruit pies
Technically, she is right.
ah comedi
It’s important to be honest from the beginning.
Honk honk
It can’t be true
*Grabs these Baggins*
For her pleasure
Low Cost Cosplay and his black cat
How the world imagines an American first date.
What did Blockbusters smeel like?
I was asked to draw a cute card as a favour for a friend and I really wasn’t in the mood. This guy was the result. that was two weeks ago and I’ve been drawing a new grumpy animal every day since
Him: Would you like me to push in your stool? Her: Lets see how dinner goes first..
Grandpa wearing his new Goodwill shirt with pride
Boomer lvl 100
Making believe
We can't handle another uprising
“Take your time, kids. The best one goes on the fridge!”
M e m e
Oh no
Thankfully it only held a clock
Happy Birthday, Rainn Wilson
Megan and Harry new life in Canada.
What ***ing stress?
World Class Comedy
Indiana Jones boulder cosplay
also when ur with your uncle
Can anyone confirm?
If you understand this photo you are old!
My doggo’s coloring makes him look like he has sagging boobs.
Because we all know crime is for the poor
Job of my dreams
Dirty cheater
That's a weird horse...
A little extra help.
Does anyone know where that quote is from?
Freaken humana
My ice cream was happy to see me
Pro life tip: Never trust the train to have an empty seat and just bring your own
The irony is hilarious.
Drive as in your kids live here
Derpingly derpy derp.
glad i’m not alone in my thoughts.
If Patches O'Houlihan drove a truck
Follow me for more recipes
They have seen people do this in the winter, but they clearly don't know why...
What it's like dating millenial girls.
I’m no hedge-born knave, tis true!
I love my Frens
“He’s making that face again, isn’t he”
Vicoria Justice gets me hard
No no, he's got a point
This cat has its own cat
Top shelf only
Oh, hi ground.
Went to go find the hot ***es in my area, not dissapointed
This bar does not want that kind of riff raff
Shakespearean level tragedy
My baby brother in church yesterday
Best picture nominees as told by Futurama
Yoga Poses Deciphered
Stop giving me a reason to care
Movies if Hollywood understood nuclear power
The wife got this new frame set. I decided to put it together before she got home from work.
For girls to practice
This fortune is haunting.
Soda Wars
Shrekism is my religion
Someone got fed up with people leaving their clothes in the laundry at my apartment
You all made me do it
The math is irrefutable
PCB arrows +20 dmg
rare footage of the last hdl meetup
what do you mean Gedachtnis is best girl?
Calling Cards My Grandpa Kept In His Wallet As A Young Man
*God has left the game*
refuses to drink health potions, but will chug a 40
Could this be....?
flail wildly and shit yourself
At 16 I have become the first person in human history to perform in Carnegie Hall with Lightning McQueen socks
I Miss The '90s
Well played Flight Centre
This is absolute gold.
Itouched one once to see if he had rougher skin