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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Value increased
I see the resemblance
My daughter can't figure out why we can't stop laughing at the Yoda she made
Give it up everyone!
Can you believe some people?
The Wireless Showerhead | Product from
He really do be thinking the big thoughts
Good news is...
This is what Australian Warning Labels look like:
Florida Mans Greetings!
Corona virus yikes...
If that don't work, use more gun
Punk Croc
Who needs math?
This is the snake handler at The Green Planet in Dubai. He says he loves his job.
In the bathroom of a local vape shop
Interesting to know.
Pssh i could win this show easily
just your average 15 year old high school kid
Was wondering where I've seen this logo before
Team Corona or Team Mass Shootings?
Sound waves.
day 18 of a grumpy animal drawing every day
We have a Lightbox with inspirational quotes for my 2 yr old daughter. My wife hasn't noticed yet
I love space
I guess it’s throwback Thursday
This cat looks a lot like Adam Driver
I wish to speak with horse, please.
eclipse irl
Spensh Bab ya dirty Boy
I'm sorry about her car accident next Monday
Señores World Wide
Fergus begs to differ
Cats are simply next level.
This has probably been posted before but I still think it's funny
'beef blood'
My daughter's doll has seen some shit.
I always get what I want
Make your choice!
the overflow is just BEGGING to be touched
Do it for her
Africa would never do such a thing.
It's important to follow instructions closely
With Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought this might be helpful for some.
It’s finally happened....
Breakfast in bed
Chad Chinese government has it under control
This one's double
My husband responded to my note on the fridge.
they stole your foreskin for this
Nothing to be ashamed of nowadays...
My wife ordered some vitamins and a hat for our daughter. The order got split into two shipments. Then this happened.
Seems more than legit to me
He has a master's degree
Old joke with new artwork
Saw this unauthorised advert on the train.
Ching Chong your respiratory system is gone
My software has become hardware
trust the gov
thank you, Gertrude
"believe his lies"
If there's a single line of footprints in the snow I like to walk on the opposite step to make it look like one person was hopping
But he was a good boy
This tip on my pizza box in India
come again..?
Rachnera's fine though
Saw this interesting poster today
♠ ♣ ♥ ♦
When life gives you demons
Simpson did the asian coronavirus
My future doormat
IRL teenagers are nasty
So you're telling me... my dad *didn't* smash every puss in the universe?
No more excuses
checkmate, coronavirus
I trust you fellas
Best ad fail ever
I guess it’s okay then
Florida Man had big plans!
chill the f out
I tried being romantic and ended up creating a cult
Just saw this at work
Lollipops to the rescue
***ing weeb
Do I eat it???
Jump for joy
Because this is how everybody holds ice cream...
Got my husband some post-vasectomy snacks- amazing how much genital related food you can find!
here they go again