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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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So beautiful
Saw it online, hilarious!
Are you gonna eat those words? **licks lips**
Have you seen a rabbit?
I'm not sure anything has been cared about less than this pizza.
Our cat does this whenever she gets picked up
Once again I am asking for your birdseed
Essential oil ER
Never McForget
Came across an old one I saved to my funny folder a good while back
I'm really gonna be single forever
We’re all worried here
Just read the headline and close
Teachers having to steal from home to supply the classroom.
Saw this gem on the highway today
Friend said he couldn’t switch lanes quick enough when he saw this - only to get close enough to realize it was a sticker. A cow owner with an amazing sense of humor!
Coming to a comicon near you
No regerts
This is actually really smart
day 37 of drawing a new grumpy animal every single day for a year please send help
Take the measles with you too
Packed Concert or...
Please prove us wrong
Leave it so they know what sort of strippers to get at your funeral
my blind cat loves the outdoors
Return of the King
Applies to building furniture as well
monch it
I mixed a finch with a puggle for your amusement
Unfortunate sign outage.
Best wikipedia page ever, so accurate
I’ve never been more disappointed
Stereotyping No-nos 101
I cut a cucumber. I don't think it was aware that was going to happen.
Happy 87th Birthday to the Olsen Twins!
Translated from local source
We were playing darts when this happened... I was about to win :(
Rule 34
Hello, we know you are single and over 40. Let us in!
Never called male teacher dad tho, weird
Why I hate Valentine's Day
Jay-Z out here looking like Mr. Glass
Extra hell :)
My local pet shelter’s idea of a nice valentine’s celebration.
This man is a savage
More than just a wizard like most
on a roll
My home made Valentine’s Day card
Bathroom door at my work.
Incel Posting
Just act like preschool and shit anyway
P0rn P0sting
The key to the Men's Bathroom at my Dentists Office
How i help this world
geese goose it is
Idk what to title this
R e l a t e
*open mouthed smile*
he is still out there boys
Interesting place to propose
Ah yes enslaved piracy
Feed me Hamberders!
Hulk for the win
Worth a shot...
What’s taters, Precious?
Never Thought Of It
He crashed hard after that last hit
Pray for me comrades
Keep scrolling.
The simplest one.
The good old dayz
The only true Android phone.
Martin Scorsese is the elegant pooh in real life
This card my wife got me for my birthday.
I adopted a polar bear and not a dog
Am i a joke to you?
I think they're not sure what beef actually is.
Pwease give me beanie-weanies UwU
Oscar right here bby
looks can be deceiving
Who has seen one?
It was at this point Carl knew it was his time to shine
And i was like baby baby babyyyy ohhhh
O my... he is speaking the language of gods
Was actually Arnold but didn't contribute to research
I am posting a lot lately....
Mumy knows best