I don’t understand women?!? I told my wife I was getting her a Star Wars outfit for our sexy time and she was so excited! But then I showed up with it and she almost threw me out??

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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Justinian II in a nutshell
Tis exam season
Insulting her as fr*nch is truly humiliating.
Somebody just bought the Goonies house in Astoria, Oregon, and wants fans to ignore the angry neighbor.
Twitter in a nutshell
Mission failed, let's get them next time
We can make a deal, hooman
phoenecia may even came from a word of purple
Hustlers University needs a class on reading comprehension
Make me
Thank you, urban planning YouTube.
Does this shitpost still count as a history meme?
"If he was a woman, I'd make him my mistress"
"They don't call it Pennsyltucky for nothin'"
My whole life was a lie....
No wonder they were able to expand so much
The Indian King Who Saved 1,000 Polish Children in World War II
An easy hack
cow companies
He seems pretty angry
The original funny moustache man.
Weighed over 2 tons
Umm.. apparently this was real
I guess they don’t know the concept of cultural assimilation or cultural genocide
Its pirating time bois
Wom*n with time machine
I knew there is a correlation.
Somebody made Kurisu Makise as Seira Orgel
Met this charming character on a hike in Portugal yesterday.
East Indian Company, we need to cook
Funny because it hurts!
Why is everything at home always worse?
Ironic how "seinen" fans are usually more inmature...
Best Sensei Ever
Pizza has been responsible for 90% of Italy’s socio-political power
This army didn't stick long tho
Can’t be lettin’ those inferior genes into our pool!
Your bored ape lost you $200,000, my bored ape ripped my arms off and ate my face
Making plans with friends as an adult
I hate Spotify mobile
communism at its finest
I am wavy
Two different meanings
gender history goes crazy
The Peninsular War
I turned my back for 10 seconds…
American citizens eagerly await the end of prohibition
Has been happening to me recently
Quite an achievement for something that has "no cultural impact"
Sword build like a knife, capitalism I guess
God it's good to be American
Not a dog person
"No pizza for me today I guess"
2003, onsite filming of Martin Scorsese's sequel to Gangs of New York, Gangs of Kentucky.
My roommate keeps bringing girls over so I made a survey
My sister's mother-in-law was told she should put her weed gummies next to citrus when she flies to hide the smell.
People lost their shit, 30.000 people unsubscribed from that paper
Wife asked me how the score could be a negative.
Where's the incentive?
The Art of War by Sun Tsu
She has a really good point
Take off your pants
Evolution is a lie
LF goth gf (pm me)
This didn't age well.
I belive that's what he would've wanted
I diagnose you with being extremely horny
Middle school breakups are rough these days...
Who are you picking
Never change /fit/
And what would you call it?
I too want to be a senator of the roman empire
01.06.1963- Rage against the machine burns a monk for a fancy album cover
Weak, just like your parents
Time to drink some posca Gaius
Don't even get healthcare with it
Guys who tf was the third one again?
There's just so much racism
You want me to do what again?
show love to my papa,
I take these hypotheticals seriously
Life gives
Karabakh War
Why are fantasy archers so skinny all the time
Gotta love the Greek, and their wards
*Five Year Plan Intensifies*
The first tall goth gf sees the potential of a website called OnlyFans
Mindy Kaling has always been trash.
Guess who’s back from the dead Mother***ers.
Damn, why didn’t I think of that?
Both of these paths have a light and a dark side
'Rot Stier' a German Karl-Gerät 60 cm mortar, Sevastapol, 1944. One of only six that saw active service.