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<This ugly son of a *** is making OC only and is getting free karma and basically, you are ***ing stupid. How?... Just Watch The Free Video> [59]

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would you like me to explain you hegel?
alright that's pee
That's impossible
Morning Drizzle
perfect merge
Happy birthday kid from Hot Fuzz!
One of the best Far Side jokes of all time
Can you smell what the Dragonborn is cooking?
On an English school.
i bet his rent is like $1100
how skins work in gaming
Modern day seance...
Strawberry wearing yoga pants
imagine pulling up to this
Dramatic Cool
Stupid Sexy George Lucas
I’ll say!
This fella disguises his resume as a donut box to ensure delivery
I suppose its true..
Urban Dictionary: The place that no one wants to go
The Internet wants to credit Thelma and Louise and National Lampoon's with the first selfie - I raise Ringo in A Hard Days Night
Mandalorian season 3 leaked
Joe Papa
Very creative! Banner of the decade goes to...
Poor Winnipeg. I laughed at your misfortune.
The best curry.
She living in 2031
Saw this on the family group chat
Every damn day..
My daughter's bathroom project
Good morning ladies
You are not ugly, you are just broke
Women love dangerous men
My daughter is 2nd percentile in weight, so we’re trying out some new feeding techniques
This sign always makes me laugh as I walk past it!
my sides
This is my first post through
Something similar happened to me :P
A few days ago
Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
I Cat take it anymore
Uncanny correlations
Riding along, jamming to The Who
I don't belong here
Finding love.
What I see on the news while boarding my flight today...
Mars NASA leak
Would it work?
*Cat-Call* aye girl..
My sister built a snowman using peppermints for the eyes. This is what her husband saw out the window the next morning.
Hugelol Hackening
Yamete Kudastop
Accept “after C” is not the rule.
Still cool af
In Soviet Russia, you don’t check out butt. Butt checks out you!
Has anyone else noticed this?
Oldy but goldy
The Queen's Operation
A customer at the smoke shop I used to work at asked if he could show me his pride and joy, and pulled this out.
A high honor, denied
Our first child recently turned a year old. I had to acknowledge my wife’s sacrifice as well!
The four L's of life
the Boomer funny
Sure, been forever since I've eaten out
Gyoza baby!
Professional Plan
No disrespect to the British, they are good lads
I'm a new dad
haha ̶y̶e̶s̶ no
*Fortunate Son intensifies*
How to park at a Driving School.
Ooo... piece of attic candy!
Poor fish
Nothing to see here. Just an alligator riding a manatee. Welcome to Florida!
Ahhh-sticky fingers
Our office candy guy left us a note..
Sunset on Mars but in High Res like you deserve
I feel like the internet needs this
2nd picture sent from Mars
Simply what now?
Yeah not ok this is the kind of sh*t I’d expect out of someone who reports posts
She likes to sit like this. I’m not sure why.
are you just experiencing happiness ???
This post is not affiliated with Robert
Neither insane nor posse
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