This isn't wanking, this is fantasizing with style!

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anyone have some sauce?
“Screw you” *walks my ships over land*
Sometimes, you have only shitty options
German cow farm
Khwarazmian vibes
#TeamBees next?
Look at little mommy jr. Gonna cry?
fr though they never show up
Sorry if reupload
Factory owner talks about his workers
Two naive ahistorical judgements on a premodern polymath: one from a brainless racist, the other from a clueless victim of the "law of the hammer" bias
Forbidden love only in the Caribbean
We found the Isekai Ojisan
It's one of those problems one can ruin oneself trying to solve
Wifi names in my apartment complex.
"malaria, disease, heat. yep, looks like a fun adventure to me"
The Toledo Zoo setup a way for orangutans to splash visitors
New spot for all the shit I find in the washer and dryer.
Yugoslavia 2.0 When
Hold it in
Kung-fu kittens
Sigma Toddler
difficulty = impossible
Circa 2001
This was written on the menu of a local restaurant I went to
Seriously, why do they do this?
Cow eating tiger snake in Australia - Improvise, Adapt, Overcome
Just wanna wish George Jetson a happy birthday
perfectly balanced, yes?
Man-made horrors beyond comprehension
Goths sacking Rome, 410 AD
Ah yes. Delicious C-4.
fellas, is it gay to have gay sex?
I’d pay to have this movie made
I'm beginning to feel like Clap God
Bonus points to anyone who cares to connect the dots.✨✨✨
I don't have a bench grinder, but I have a grinder and a bench!
Leif Erikson was based af
Idk any movies so this will open my eye in a special way
Alabama Applebees…
Twitter is a cesspool
The greatest feeling of power
New Yorkers are hungry
where do you prefer your rich ***s?
This is how my wife plays pinball
This motel’s wifi password
When Britain first at heaven's command
Some causes Can bring people together
Based Lesley Nielsen
Asked playground equipment company for mock up of what it will look like. Got this.
Russian government forces brutally beat defenseless civilian in the lead up to the Sochi Winter Olympics
NASA's Hubble telescope discovers water on Saturn, 1995
The world really did end in 2012
Take notes ladies
My contribution to this debate, which is 100 percent accurate.
"Listen here you little shit"
A great joke, let's tell it a thousand more times
Toy cereal boxes from Mexico. The longer you look, the funnier it gets.
Full circled
uh oh
When the National Convention calls you a tyrant and moves to purge you before you purge them
The Sun King
Upgrades, people, upgrades.
The Most Ambitious Crossover Event since Infinity War
One of the Great Rivals in European History
Kampuchean anti meme
ice cream
It's a simple spell, but quite unbreakable
I think my husband was tired this morning because that is dog food and not coffee beans.
Cute Cat
Second time this week
They'll ask everyone not to tap on the excavator's windows next
New Plato's faucet just dropped
Stop this cycle of violence!
Chad Kingdom Of Greece Monent
Two of the Infinite Monkeys realise Shakespeare got there first, 1871
I think YouTube's new feature works...
We just became friends yesterday
the Punic wars
The foundations of modern medicine
Just roommates bro
UK request to leave the EU after referendum
Ferb, i know what we're gonna do today
Roza Shanina, the 19 year old Sovjet sniper who killed 64 Nazis during WW2