The only context you need is what happened with Mitchell Henderson

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as a Canadian and a designated neutral party, I have a right to point this out.
Let it play
Bad taxidermy
Elon devouring his bird
the real story is pretty dark
Batman died in the foreplay
The final stage
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Who’s your pick?
if only there was an easier way
Socrates banned from Twitter circa. 399 BC
i need Vermeil-san
innit bruv?
why people hate me?
Thank you everyone who contributed to this
DIY country repair
My wife is in her Peggy Hill era.
There can only be one Highlander
Ancient trojan war scriptures
Huge W today
yall weird
Who the hell brought the asparagus???
Wake Up to Reali.... ok NVM
Jesus Christ as an absolute unit
how I imagine making the decison went
They were just in the way after all
but hey that's just a theory
Lawsuit secured or how to cause $8+ billion in damages for just $8!
An Italian on TikTok tried to told me that Tito killed Millions of Italians during Foibe Massacre...
I'm wearing my poppy, are you?
Ok geniuses, why does this not work?
My take on the denji and mineta argument
New Attraction This Year At The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto
She’s not a waifu for me, but I just love her so ***ing much
Index did it better
biggest hater
It looks like on red Circle
George "No Chill" Washington
3 dolla
Updated version of meme posted on this sub
The three most notable French generals from WW1. Has anyone noticed this yet?
Like don't this make every place inside dirty
New Twitter Logo
Le one-way bridge
Lol, but fr tho…
That's a little extra...
small penis
While one character in a long series still has to achieve his goal, another one has achieved it in another series
See it in her eyes
11/11/1918 11:00
My Son and His Search History
Unfortunately, based on a true story.
Language shift
Unfortunately based on a true story
Germany & Austria’s suspicious lack of street view
Diversity makes us stronger!
Your prob
the yellow wave
At least hes wearing protection
Prophet Muhammad was true anime harem protagonist
The pub I was in the other day started doing this.
Artur Rubinstein was a chad
Pol pot did everything wrong
Most noble anime motivation
Snake oil salesmen begin peddling their wears to children
What girl? What restaurant?
two elections since their founding in 1988
The British way...
memory unlocked
JFK playing on a PS4 circa. 2016
"Spreading democracy"
Until next time my dudes
Twitter looks promising…
Hate it when that happens
An Ottoman-Turkish official denies help to victims of the ongoing Armenian Genocide
A helpless Polish citizen is forcibly conscripted into the ranks of the Wehrmact
Can you even call yourself a goth if you haven’t attacked the Roman Empire at least once?
I like old woman
So, I saw this today
@SuperOmega. Here… Smoke some weeds
Do you ever just...
Waiting for the crosswalk
Who else needs this option irl
Jesus Christ is baptized
do not ask me if I have experience