"Grant stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by him when he was drunk, and now we stand by each other."-aka the greatest bromance in US History

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You know what websites I’m referring to here.
This man almost bankrupted Spain from one voyage
A bit Offensive to good citizens I guess.
It's still part of a balanced breakfast
This is not the way of space
A Girl and her Dog ☺️
Byzantine monk spies sent by Emperor Justinian I discover how silk is made
Imagine waiting so long to abolish slavery that Mussolini does it for you
Virgin fight against everyone vs Chad have one or two civil war every century and still get to be a empire
Debates in 2022: what is a woman?
People gonna disagree so much
Crispy Meme #922
Dogwalkers be like
Poor guy was held hostage but died in captivity, and the pirates auctioned off his kilogram model
Old joke, new punchline.
Real footage of the Gays™ protecting the kingdom from Zeus‘ attack
I slept 10 hours
A tale of two men
IRL eye test for "I want to speak with the manager" types
Slacktivists discover Twitter
The enemy of my enemy is my disposable minion army
Age 20, finally happened
My professor had mixed feelings about you, Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri.
Soviets, Confederates, and Axis powers were all formidable foes, but ultimately took on massively outsized economies they had no real hope of ever beating
Jesus H. Christ prepares to deliver the "People's Elbow" on Satan in Wrestlemania 13
Their last deployment during 1866 Austro-Prussian war before disbanding their army in 1868
Sting of betrayal
Immediate destruction
Use the I properly
Someone offered me a “Bag of Coke” at a concert last night.
It's definitely a great thing.... probably.
Widukind rebellion go brrr
The sword effect
I don't understand French
I was WAY too young to be watching anime back then
Boomers that don't understand technology need to get out of politics.
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 878 ✓
soldiers, SALUTE!!!
An old Chinaman once said...
I am sure this black and stringy meat is normal
Oldschool Posting
Have to go with Meth-Z
My friend got this concerned note through her letterbox this morning
Battle of Alesia in a nutshell:
But why is it legal at all?
Well, when nothing else works!
Who should I put my trust on? A tough choice
Don’t deny it
I'm Brazilian and can confirm this is true
*** off and start paying them more, you greedy ***s
Must have been confusing
The French asking for a surrender ...
My dad has owned this kind of hammer for more than 25 years, and he doesn't have a clue.
Snappy snap
Posted again because of spelling mistake
Don't need it? Don't use it!
Who had the Better Parents from Colonial Birth to Today?
Dead sea copper scrolls, is prob just an ancient troll
Giving your friend beer to help you move is a tradition over 6000 years old
John Cena get drafted to fight against Germany, 1940
Ah my O word
Pick ups lines
The first time a Concorde went into heat 1973.
do you like girls
Truly an outstanding movie
A Spurned Decision
I want to fly on a broom.
War is hell
If one is to understand the great mystery one must study all its aspects
A Polish Legion soldier in France, 1940
What should be his nickname in jail?
The invention of milkshakes cirka 1922
absolutely no rizz
Is not cool betray the people that helped you
Swap it now
Democracy Intensifies
Battle of Patay aka The French learned their lessons.
The serfs back home are gonna be so jealous
A post for our Comfy
Nestle is founded
A sad day for the industry and for Paris, France
Breakfast in Pompeii
love this scene
I found 2 concrete safes buried in my backyard. Can't wait to see what treasures are hiding inside...
Classic Europeans. Those rascals!
Oh, now I know what that is for. Because knowing is half the battle!
The age of rampant corruption and massive political machines
Expanding into Europe with all that swag
No matter the cost!
Guys I’m scared…
HL in a nutshell
slightly acidic
HBO is a joke
That’s some high IQ
Battle dog!!!
Salem held numerous witch trials- but also tomato trials
Seeing This On The News Without Context.... LOL
Celebration accessories are wild