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The universe is a yawning chasm filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience.
3-Year Club

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Lucky ***s
How this Tiger feels being at a Texas Zoo with no power right now.
Finally an honest fortune cookie
Ahhhh, that's what happens
The water is cut off, so I had to steal some kids snowman so I can melt him to flush my toilet.
this comedian looking for a graphic designer
February 30th huh...
Shit i can’t find Jimmy
Gotta find that sweet spot
I think my cream is trying to seduce me
Quality is never compromised
IQ level breached
Reasons my Fiancée Kisses Me
It’s a real life cheat code
Dirty Secret
1st photos of life on Mars!
Can I shoot the snow?
Well, ya done it now
what are we supposed to do now? cancel next of kin?
I have found the loophole!
Green new deal
Training time
Just cancelled Spotify and this is what they give me. Funny Easter egg.
Forgot I had sat my wifi booster there and it scared the mess outta me
Nice udders...
Unlucky or lucky second name?
holy shit lol
Laughed harder than I should've for sure!
NASA's Perseverance takes first photo.
Here's the actual first picture from the Perseverance rover
No, Steve it’s been a year
First Mars rover image sent back to Earth
But she makes eye contact
time to do something else
Coming out of Covid lockdown like...
Revealing photos coming back from the freshly landed Perseverance rover today...
Stray Cat
We could all sympathize..
SJW's destroying western civilization
Do be do be
We upgraded tv’s today. Our remote is now relevant.
While watching NASA's stream of Perseverance landing on Mars, I've noticed this in their office of ground ops control.
im turning into a boomer
Green Tea
That position is called the ‘SuperOmega3’
User-run HL Discords have been around since 2016
this is why boomers shouldn't have access to memes
When he gives you butterflies in your stomach
Can't blame the employee.
What day is it?
MIL sent this to me.
Schrodinger and his cat.
"Don't get too comfy!"
Stole my daughters hair extensions. Now I got a fresh new skullet, brother!
"Early Bird My Ass" my latest tiny painting.
I've created a monster...
Who's the wisest one?
Nice Thinking
What about you??
I will go with best.
Pickup on aisle two
It is only a little bit dark
Important discovery in Texas
Good looking out bro
Tidying up
The world is not ready for this amount of power
Creature’s Pet
Speak To The Manager
Wasps are the worst.
Famous lads
I asked for a framed picture of Eddie Murphy and the hotel delivered!
Japanese stereotypes of European countries, based on Japanese Google autocomplete suggestions
"YES I AM." - Muhammed Avdol
"oh right..." 2021
Anything posted on the internet is there forever, unless it is something good.
Are u sure?
go get 'em champ
That shit slams
They meant well
big sad
I slog. You should too!
My dog is very suspicious of this cold Texas weather
I've LOSSt about 30 minutes making this oc
It's Basically Summer
I wonder what is he thinking...?
No one has the heart to tell him that nobody will be coming to buy his tacos
Not Even a Nibble
So my wife left me some leftover valentines chocolates
Good thing he secured his cargo!
Found in a small town in the Midwest Alliance, Nebraska
Every damn time, it is always at the moment that you don't pay attention
He gets territorial with his toilet paper. A true American