Funny how the country whose origin used to the biggest empire now is the least talked or mentioned in the news or in general

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When you get pranked at your execution by an emperor for selling fake jewelry
Inspired by Donkey from Shrek
we have 3 whole movies about the disappearance of the 9th legion but not a single film of note were near every culture in the west collapses after being attacked by an unknown people.
Brave American soldiers fight against the Imperial Army, 1943
Surely there has to be a reason right?
Android compatibility is insane!
The Cold War in a Nutshell
Gas station in Seattle
ᚺᛚᛟᛞᛟᚹᛁᚷ was the best name for a French king
Crazy how it’s been 9 years since 2016
USS Monitor supremacy forever.
My sister got this in the mail today and for some reason she thinks it wierd that i didnt know what it was a yoga mat based on the specs on the bottom of the box.
Sack of Rome by the Goths, 410 AD
Ah, Planet Druidia, and ten thousand years of fresh air.
Smoking is dangerous, guys!
Crazy just how far ahead of its time the Achaemenid Empire was
Something's not right here
It must have been aliens
Communist Dragon Ball
Domestic abuse caught on camera
What is even the goal of the photographer here?
The Future is "Okay, Millennial"
Evil is hot
Oh no.
This “wash your hands” toilet sign…
Purple Heart
Why do old couches have loose rusty springs behind the cushions?
Just unlocked memories
How did he do it?
Dude, this is why we couldn't find our new kitten.
Best small library ever popped up in our neighborhood
there are a couple more also
“An inglorious death”
Greek warriors wait to attack Troy
Loophole of the loopholes
Just imagine the bloodbath it was
Petition to bring Kilroy back for WW3
Let's just hope that this won't cause any war or something
Calf for a laugh
I've noticed Wars like the American Revolutionary War were all thought in the surrounding agricultural fields, not in the Towns themselves.
My new water bottle looks like a transformer.
I present to you: The HI-Visigoth
I think he likes fig newtons
Got a new parrot and it reminded me of a certain Spider-Man villain
booted tank
Victims of the Jonestown Massacre
Why can't they stay in barbaria?
Teacher being creative
Which anime was it for you?
Both are good, but for some reason, one is much better.
Table decoration at a plastic surgeon’s office
Gandhi Making his 88th Confirmed Kill
A pain that every PC player has to face
Getting rid of their classical records collection was a bridge too far
"just be yourself!"...
Are you ready to learn Russian?
They are still my slaves
Modern Weddings in a Nutshell
I'm fuming
Is this....a B?
Australopithecus Afarensis becomes self aware, 3,900,000 BC
It all started with a simple quest....
Practically famous
The USSR single-handedly beat the Nazis back!
My favorite lifelong revolutionary.
President Reagan and his chimp sidekick Bonzo defeating communism
Nazis and fascists are abhorrent and their ideology is cringe, but they sure knew how to dress
Quality Copper Wares Since 1750 BCE
Eric Clapton's apartment
The peace-loving emperor
79 years ago today.
We all know what has to be done
Brazil in WW2
Dr Gay Hitler had the name first
Will Smith taking a break from filming Wild Wild West to eat some spaghetti, 1998
Happy Mussolini death day!
How is this a bad thing?
Strongest anime fan
Really? There wasn't anybody better?
He tells the truth…
Sure madam
I hope it isnt bought from some suspicious merchants.
who else did this?
Me will be me
The Rhodes Colossus was a joke, literally
Willy Wonka giving a speech to the candidates that found a golden ticket.
The second it squeaks, my soul leaves me
Prison cells at work
The chosen ones
Sulfurina ☠☢
Russian grammar
Ich bin ein Berliner
I doubt many people would have cared if the Dreyfus affair happened in Russia rather than France
Happy upside-down Mussolini Day!