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My oxygen, you're stealing it.
Me with Science
Awesome clock
When im trying to move on in life
Jack Sparrow.
An animal sent straight from the depths of Hell... the shaved bear.
I always wanted to try that...
The alternative ending
At least he's honest!
Just an epic minecraft picture
*best modern Harlem Shake video
When we ask our married friend to come to the pub with us
League of Legends solo queue. Every f*cking time!
Identical twin prank
You know it's true
Teaching a leason!
Not even once
Watching mtv nowadays
When my friends look at me in a club when i find someone
Here, have some feels!
There?s a new sheriff in town
Not what I expected
Did you miss me
First world asian
Dumb and the morons
Suddenly, a car.
Sh*t, I am late...Oh thank God :)
Nooo! Dobby!
His face at the end :(
Top Gear: The Three-wheeler.
That's a racist slide
Bro! We Scored!
Going back home after club
Spoons hate everyone..
Oh tumblr...
This is just adorable.
H2O... also?
This is excitement!
This was in university
Walking away from a test and remembering the correct answer to a question you guessed on
Bat's Secret Revealed
I agree
One Way To Get Around The Law
Soccer pussy's
Real tired of your sh*t Chocolate
I see what you did there joseph
Some people...
Your reacton when you lose Internet connection
Good guy
Your point is invalid
That were exactly my thoughts when I watched the first The Walking Dead episode
He messed with the wrong kid
This guy had a pretty awesome day
That's just the way it is
We've found her!
Cougar Hunter
Those girls on Facebook
The Girlfriend Test
But i like sloths
After playing guitar hero all day
I love 2nd base...
I love these Hitler posts
I did this because the meme bothered me for so long
True bravery
Just the Truth
4 the swagfags
Holy moly
Only took him 5 hours.
I am slightly terrified
Yeah this is the good way to do it.
First date
London, Here I Come!
Your daily dose of WTF!?
Filthy liar.
We run dis hood!
Just sayin....
That escalated quickly.
Looks like somebody forgot something
Move, b*tch!
A more realistic Harlem Shake
This Dad Owns
Say Cheese
Grandma, it would be nice if you could stop using caps lock for awhile.
It just doesn't make sense...
I find this both fascinating and disturbing
*_*' Take cover !!!
Excited Puppy
The depressed clown.
The horror
Target Engaged
I give a f*ck to this true sh*t
Hey Fred