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Tickled my funny bone
How i became a contortionist
Cry if you can relate
im still tryna figure it out
All my homies like cool bugs
Gus Fring
Errr day
She won the hearts even before speaking.
make up
From bathroom stall at a rest stop in West Virginia
Disney wouldn't dare right??
Women ☕️
Not all dogs are Man’s Best Friend
try it
Interesting, tell me more
The Beatles after their first day in America
That's a nice thing to do
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 698 ✓
Average American vs. Average European
Ok this is the last version of this meme i swear
what's the diffrence?
Lots to unpack here
Rate my gaming set up
Can’t believe one day it’ll happen
Finally found where they grow ear bud covers
finally peace
Very specific.
if guilt had a face
Gaming’s come a long way
MTV launched 41 years ago today. Thanks for 15 years of music.
Best girl of the season
Daily Machikado Mazoku #74 Dialed the wrong number
I won, but at what cost
Return, or you will be returned
America: where everything is racist
gameplay purpose
King piss
I'm a very forgt... forgiving person
The real Infinity Saga…
Based Elton
isnt that the point brehs who is the npc
Damn cyclists
Aka is a madlad
Lets not forget the true superpower
Sentinel islanders attacking a helicopter
Wise words
Crispy Meme #740
Don't have fangs but Hickey's will do nicely.
I wanna hear the joke now
Nose helps you...from my 5yr olds exam sheet
It's so bright
friend made a hat
I found this sign at London Zoo
In This House We Believe
Neighbor got a new security system.
It's true i verified on wikipedia
I dare you to try
A Nu Start
Reasons to watch the crotch, from the top:
found this gem in my local brewery
Caveman drawings taken out of context
Top Notch click bait.
we recently bought a house and this is one of the first things my husband did
anyone else met a idiot like that
Screw your stuf then
It’s all part of the plan
This isn't wanking, this is fantasizing with style!
anyone have some sauce?
“Screw you” *walks my ships over land*
Sometimes, you have only shitty options
German cow farm
Khwarazmian vibes
#TeamBees next?
Look at little mommy jr. Gonna cry?
fr though they never show up
Sorry if reupload
Factory owner talks about his workers
Two naive ahistorical judgements on a premodern polymath: one from a brainless racist, the other from a clueless victim of the "law of the hammer" bias