There’s a gap in the cabinets because of an angled sink. Countertops get installed on Monday

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Ein. Bier. Bitte.
on HL worst is newfag
Reject monke. Progress to crab.
Guns N’ Roses have really mellowed with age
I'm looking at you Lut Gholein
Smoking leads to Necromancy
Nobody can stop this guy from sleeping.
what a monster
Close enough
Pregnancy Q&A
I'm pissed
how humane
Good ol’ Firefox
What's really happening on Mars
Thankfully I am stuffed after eating 4!
Offended but agree with it like 99%
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (y)
Clown school crime scene
Dudders is a cam thot
I photoshopped a hippo and a dolphin together.
There’s an imposter among us
So many cups
Peak performance
Lockdown Diet
I build unnecessary products and today I created The Gator Briefs!
A lady posted this on a ‘DIY doodle grooming’ FB page and said they think they messed up and I cannot stop laughing
To shadow realm with you
Great system we have here
Turned the tables
No u
Shamelessly stolen from twitter
It be like that.
Just keep spinning
My uncle said that any fortune that came from a cookie was a good fortune but I’m not so sure about this one
Beethoven’s Fourth Movement.
Shhhh carefull, meme police may not find this...
"Work Hard, Stay Harder..."
Proof that cats and water don't mix.
The winner for the most packages from Amazon is.... this guy.
I think I Found Simon’s Truck
Canadian Social Distancing
No Minimum Wage
Rare photo of US Army using the latest technology
Petition to have more of these
Bad Boy For Life
Glow up
On the bottom of my coffee bag
Lies, deception
Wait a minute here...
Keep it safe from him.
...and don't call me Shirley!
Got a greeting loicense madame?
Hmm, no wonder meems attract autists. Incest.
two intellectuals disscussing
bye bye Chad
The perfect date
It's time to stop
He just wanted him some pu$$y
Look at me! I am the captain now.
Look hooman, I'm a starboi!
A love note from granddaughter to grandfather
it works bros
Cat comes every so often to the back of the house to let us know it’s meal time
Well I’m sold.
I work in a call center. Sometimes I like to draw some of my rude callers. I catch myself daydreaming about this scenario a lot.
My first ever shiner. I walked into a tree playing Pokemon Go... I'm just that cool.
I found a box of these business cards in my friends basement.
Mind ya bidness.
Really does!
I am now looking forward to death
Arriving in style
I've been living my entire life wrong
Aunt Cass, Lady Dimitrescu, Bowsette, Earth-chan... the power of horny knows no bound, amen
Cough cough pass
Somebody feels really strong about this.
Redittors can relate
The time paradox has been solved boys
meanwhile Pythagoras...
I'm gonna hang this shoe on my wall.. It's as good as art.
Smooth ass nagger
Best email I've received in a very long time... from Netflix...
Stand Up Comedy
Two consecutive ads right in the kisser
if you think about it, its true
I laughed way too hard at this one
The look on poor Tom's face
stunning and brave
Quality humour
Turn monk