they helped the first people and then just magically dissapeared

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MatPat literally looks edited in
parking rage, this is not an electric car!
Me be like
Hanging Out Alone
IMO he is mostly just socially awkward.
and before you say it, no black panther can't be white.
Wrong way.
Middle ages weapons
Opened up the living room window to see this going on…
What upgrades are we getting?
Sharing Malone
Reality of trench warfare sets in on the Western Front
Monday is the only correct answer.
It’s pretty shocking how often I hear this honestly
So glad I grew up with this
Everyone is medicated now, YAY
What is india known for??
See my new toy
Stephen Hawking's first day as a professor at Caltech, 1974
Truly the most tragic series in History..
In the end they both were selfless hero’s
Oh grampy...
Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.
Based Ice KIng
Horse power
What no "D" does to the Water Goddess
I know I'm not the only immigrant who feels this way.
Let em get real pissy
Or calls her “blue-haired Ram”
My daughter after realizing her 4th birthday is tomorrow and not today.
It’s called “soccer”
Florida governor assuring a journalist he'll "try to keep an open mind about immigration."
Some men should take notes
Dominos literally forgot to put cheese on my pizza…
Under-Performance Review
From my kid's homework. At least he didn't circle the other one.
The Return of Best Girl
It might not only be a breeze you feel when going commando
4chan is founded, 2003
lemme give yall the furry test right quick
If only there was a better way to display these prizes
You may not like it, but this is what the peak male looks like.
Should gamers be accountable in-game war crimes?
Just Sayin.
Man in search of Princess Anastasia after her family is slaughtered
My dog like to go visit the girls in the hood without authorization, so I got him an appropriate tag. NSfW
First day without his mom, look at the buttons on his suit jacket
how it's done by some
Never reached there
I'm sensing some passive aggression here
Nelson's column is erected in London, colourized.
Remember those two? This is then now.
who y’all got⁉️
Cheetah’d local extinction
This came in a pack of random Dino stickers for kids.
Photoshop pre-computer era: elderly woman covers ex’s face with Leonardo D.
an antinatalist's wet dream, literally.
you can always turn it off if you wanna farm some free cash
Omnisiahu akbar
Just No!!!
It's Saturday and I have noting to do. Let's go.
he did not send a chicken
Unhappy meal: the most unhappiest meal you've seen
Did I do this right?
find out how broken you are
come on, I know you wanna sing it
never been this sure for anything
iron man vs iron natzi
we're leaving
The little hemermanmaid
Potato gang
I'm sorry but I have to inform you I found about live action Assassination classroom today
jealousy is a sin
Going out with a boom
Noted !
ladies and gentlemen let me present you: Marvel 2022
Hmm, no more red wine for me... for atleast a day
His presence indicates big changes are coming
Life Is Hard !
When you contribute new words to the ADL's list
They lied
Nothing but pain
Not even cerebrally
I used to be with it. Then they changed what "it" was.
Albert Dente showing off a new method of cooking pasta which ended up being named after him. 1863.
They must feel so important Right now
AdTube moment
Penis Van Lesbian changes name to Dick Van Dyke to enter show biz. 1947
should we disown him?
I like the part where Arial said, "It's Mermin Time!" a single tear ran through my cheeks.
You guys are the real heros !
"You are the first"
Damn girl was that not the goal?!
Pretty accurate if you ask me