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I don´t even know why i keep going back here. I have work to do yet i still go here atleast once a day. 8_8
Hardcore Poster
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His presence indicates big changes are coming
Life Is Hard !
When you contribute new words to the ADL's list
They lied
Nothing but pain
Not even cerebrally
I used to be with it. Then they changed what "it" was.
Albert Dente showing off a new method of cooking pasta which ended up being named after him. 1863.
They must feel so important Right now
AdTube moment
Penis Van Lesbian changes name to Dick Van Dyke to enter show biz. 1947
should we disown him?
I like the part where Arial said, "It's Mermin Time!" a single tear ran through my cheeks.
You guys are the real heros !
"You are the first"
Damn girl was that not the goal?!
Pretty accurate if you ask me
It's just a cheap trick to pander to people.
You may not like it but this is what the peak male looks like
Every god damn time
The first cyclist with a pair
Do you agree??
“I don’t belong in this generation cause I don’t “insert something bad”
Such a big downgrade
IOS 16? More like Android 4
Something Isn't right
My grandfather before and after 4 years of serving on the front lines during WWII, 1941-1945
Ah yes buy this for your daughter, perfect for school
bithces like to bring up the past
It's all we want.
iF YoU DoNt LiKe It LeAvE
we eatin good fellas
Matter can neither be created nor destroyed ᕙᕗ
Fat dog
Change my mind?
I’m living just to witness it
Can someone explain what happens?
Welcome, Apple!
The new yoga craze.
5 dollars
What If ? Feat. Dr. Subaru Strange X Ainz Dormammu Gown
Someone pooped gold today
Undercover Police Officer successfully infiltrates Mexican Drug Cartel
Nobody likes vegans
The only little mermaid I'm willing to accept.
Youtube is literally unwatchable without an adblocker
The UK needs new money
it is indeed an art
Known locally as Willy Tree
I feel bad for making this
H.P Lovecraft approves
i literally can never tell
I guess she doesn’t want to be my friend because I’m white :(
I’ve found it, the worst tattoo
Ozzy Osbourne showing how much sugar he likes in his morning coffee. Circa 1984
A new religion that will bring you to your knees
Nej farmor!
I'm so hilariously & alarmingly confused...
No hoes
Your data is safe here
the phrase 'absolute unit' was made for this very moment
Spotted this yard sale sign tonight
My mother ordered a soap dispenser from Amazon and THIS was the warranty information.
Yes, keep the racist tears flowing
Canada's low-key super sneaky spy plane
JESSE WE NEED TO late lunch
the 4 main reasons I have a pc
Are some just more equal than others?
No idea why I made this
Mr Passive Aggressive
Just for Birds announce new product for Belgian Canaries
Poor guy getting sexualised like that
This shirt I saw
How to make people super mad 101
I'm looking at you, Pinnochio
W… T… F… was… wrong… with… 19c. children’s book authors??
Two 3090s for 10k?
we really don't care
Scalie Wednesday my dudes
How...just how could they have dropped the ball so hard?!
Smiley face ㋡
Russians coping with loosing be like
Daily Machikado Mazoku #119 Do your Best Shamiko!!
Their PR game is strong af
Stars aligning
We won Mr.Stark
Bernie Sanders defends the Gay Soldiers, 1995
Daily Erwin meme #1685