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Tf2 spy meme
Literally me
So wait, what is Ilha Formosa really?
We have raised over $9,000 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Our fundraiser total come April 10th will be matched by up to $20,000!
Steady, steady...
My life is forever changed
Why did I immediately think of “that” picture?
Very exciting
It's been 13 so far boys, 2 to go.
We all need Hug then..
When you are so demented even the Nazis tell you to tone it down.
Honestly don’t know why we spell it ax
They don’t know
DJ Hogan parties with Kim Jong Un and Mark Zuckerberg, 2015
Metal gear
Sam Walton sends final message to future environmentalist, 1992
George Bush is notified a second plane has hit the WTC, 2001, colorized
“Hey do you want to drop a bomb on the boats?” “No, let’s just blow ourselves up instead”
It's frustrating
I’m wizard posting bros
A niche market
The cultural rivalry between America and Britain has been so heavily ingrained that even today we quarrel over whose English is superior.
I am a gaming god
Popular strip club in Tijuana, Mexico
Closer every day
I don't see any issues
Real heros dont wear capes
I want a goth GF
i have multiple questions
"Gandhi was only a weirdo with some cool quotes" may be one of the worst things I've read here
Beware Of The CGI Monster
FMAB fans are on their way
What occasion would I send someone this greeting card?
Your favorite dishes ?
Yeah… just for the history and absolutely no other reason
Hmm yes this whiskey tastes like flame
Can't possibly go wrong
Unfamiliar territory
A wholesome history post?
Cherry Picking Space Achievements is fun!
The power of the soviet Yunyun
Basically any game
Dear god, medieval people had the worst ideas
Bernie Sanders relaxing after a debate.
When in America, do as the CIA tells you
can we get an f in the chat? No
For weeks we’ve been having issues with a bird flying into this window. My daughter’s Nicolas Cage pillow solved the problem.
Yeah, that's going to be a tough one to explain to the grandkids
Millions of intelligent animals killed for food: I sleep. Cat kicked: Real shit?
Always wondered how they got the car inside
Not while I'm alive
Singles be like
Day 2 of posting memes about polish rulers. Bolesław I the brave .
Who tf is Jeffer
Stonks guy
every big youtuber ever
A "Kid's" show indeed
He’s been getting into the fireplace so I had to take drastic measures.
It wasn't the funny tank game for once
Local news has got me laughing this morning
It's snowing everywhere
Biblically accurate anime girl
The only reasonable Apple purchase
He was native German speaker, btw
People who buy new iPhones every year are insane
Make sure you watch out for these important signs!!
They do be speaking like that.
Kebabs >>> anything
Alfred Dreyfus was really a huge Chad
It's time for me to join the resistance!
Masters of Camouflage, the Germans never saw them coming.
New Isekai Idea
It's surely a wholesome anime
Nice documentary
I'm basically a vampire at this point
6 feet understaffed
dirty ho
Should have sprung for the aluminium chassis
Always trust your sensei
Newly Established British Colony in Oceania, circa 1788
Waiting on that one piece of stray sausage to fall off a slice.