A Spike Lee Joint


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Snormossel · 2 points · 9 years ago · parent
What if I told you most South Africans hate Die Antwoord.

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Good old days
What a gentleman
Youngest sibling problems.
Time travel.
When you make a joke about girl's weight
Alright then Doctor Savage
Bean-Claude Van Damme.
Anon suicide plans
Method actor
Birthplace of M. C. Escher
Dammit every time
But no warnings about leopards...?
best. wedding. ever
This is what killed the dinosaurs
Nothing to see here, move along
Keanu + Cat makes...
they used to call me the pope back in school
Executive Producer Michael Bay
Deadpool's response to the petition to make Deadpool pg-13
Burrito shop understands its customer base
he's what women really want
winter clothing
The Champ ladies and gentlemen, The Champ
That would be nice
Patrick Stewart is a god.
Have you heard the word?
The truth has been spoken.
Iron-clad theory on Snoke!
Passing thru Fresh page like
All praise Bra!
It's so good drinking with rapists!
Gender inequality.
When nostalgia hits you.
Truly tragic
Don't skip meals kids
Join the Resistance
F*ck the grass
But the Bible says: "God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in a Fury."
He was charged for arson
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
There is work to do, fellow dooters
Mfw I found out that Harold is a pussy slayer
When mom asks you where all the RAM went
That lightsaber really tied the room together
Just curious....
Outliving us All
One last dive
Master of Photoshop
Imperfect loop.
Hank Hill knows what's up
The WoW movie if it was based on gameplay
Family values
"Don't worry, I'll be gentle.."
wait for it...
scrolling trough HL
Solving Obesity in America
Why did you get detention, son?
So do I ;-)
First World Problems
When Kylo Ren took off his mask
4chan picks a name.
***ing hipster
Roastsss pt.3
Google search results are getting more and more accurate.
MF after checking hl after 3 months
it's really not that hard, get your shit together SpaceX
Good coworkers
So I just walked into my kitchen (I don’t own a cat)
It's a prank, yo'!
sounds reasonable
Sending in a normal text VS not noticing autocorrect ***ed it all up and freaking out your friend
Runner's Nipple
Feminism vs Patriarchy
My first gif/submission. Be gentle, it took hours, but I had to do my dooty.
Can you spot the difference?
Women should have the same rights as guns!
Wandows is now working ngrmadly.
Not all heroes wear capes.
David Bowie on life
me irl
***ing spaghetti-O's man
Parents teach us a lot of things
Shes gonna need some burn heal.
Anon learns German
Priorities man
Kids these days wouldn't even know whom to call
Needing to take a crap in the middle of a dance
That was close
Now he can finally ride the rollercoaster
Also contains 100% nightmare fuel
Reporting for dooty
He's probably right.
This was a rather special training
I can see the future
It's funny 'cause it's true