Special instructions for this burrito are perfect.

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After cutting the face off a CPR doll, my coworkers got me this shirt.
Leave, we don't want you anymore, go starve on the desert.
Peasants posted crap again
Need this back ngl
Found this at the mall. About time these become more realistic lol
Athens didn’t like Sparta
Rare Polish-Russo consensus
You ain't seen anything
My local Friendly's looks to be getting desperate, or too Friendly.
You must bring me... a shrubbery!
What if we, like, just stopped.
Here is a Low effort meme
Noticed this at my work, need I say anything?
The best alternative for cow milk
this happens always
All hail mammon
When you store all your saiyan pride in your neck.
“Did Reagan give the order? Did cocaine pay the bill?”
I ask myself everyday
A young impressionable child finds 4chan, 2016
Reality sucks.
Argh! it's good to be a Pirate
Public shaming
Look how they massacred by boy Yuda.
A woman of culture
Watch Anime & Chill with your..
Time for them to ignore all my instructions
My 15 year old brother’s attempt at drawing Micheal B Jordan.
They had no idea what they were getting themselves into
Thus began the two day long Anglo-Satsuma war
Why I love cats
Getting out of the depression
Name one bad one.
Joe Biden fails to claim the Leprechaun’s gold, Ireland 1993
They’re more like guide lines
I can imagine his face if he saw this
Oc Rick and morty ww1
Lower your expectations
An Italian soldier being tortured by a German soldier during the Battle of Caporetto
Since I have seen a few recent posts on the topic I thought Id put my two cents in.
Try to guess
Who can turn down Konosuba faces?
I found $50 at work today what should I spend it on?
”Season 2 in progress”
Why do you all like the pain?
I wish you all strength
I'm never letting her back in the kitchen
I'm sorry, sorry, sorry
I knew it wasn't the average idol anime, but holy ***
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 953 ✓
Welcome to America, Mr. Tortellini.
Joining the Waffen SS will totally help us in the long run!
Banda islands incident
Must have been entertaining during breakfast!
Trying to apply Nazis to modern politics is kinda dumb.
Another fed up neighbor. They went all out for the metal sign. But seriously, just pick it up.
Seriously what is wrong with some of you people
Cut my thumb in my mum's house. I'm 35 years old
Mmm yes, the ladies.
Cheers to whomever invented this bad boy
A bit dark
He’s 11 with an iphone 13….I had a tablet.
What weights did he lift to get so tall tho???
Did the good guys actually lose the first time in history?
Yo, tell me what you want, what you really really want. I wanna walk, I wanna walk, I wanna walk
Oldest move in the book
The stress is lowkey getting to me
i feel bad for it everytime
Yeeesh, awkward dinner
Woody Harrelson stunt double baby
Real Moment
Zuckerberg dies April 9
How many times do we need to teach you this lesson, old man!?
The streaming service parable
Tf2 spy meme
Literally me
So wait, what is Ilha Formosa really?
We have raised over $9,000 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Our fundraiser total come April 10th will be matched by up to $20,000!
Steady, steady...
My life is forever changed
Why did I immediately think of “that” picture?
Very exciting
It's been 13 so far boys, 2 to go.
We all need Hug then..
When you are so demented even the Nazis tell you to tone it down.
Honestly don’t know why we spell it ax
They don’t know
DJ Hogan parties with Kim Jong Un and Mark Zuckerberg, 2015
Metal gear