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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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Saw this at my local tire shop
The K.A.R.E.N. System
My 6ft tall son thinks it’s funny to put things just out of my reach
I would go on about how buying expensive shoes for babies is a completely pointless waste of money. But then I found a shoe to shut my judgy mouth right up. Now all I need is a baby.
Moove over
It kinda is
Found the cat sleeping on the couch. I had no choice.
brehmember brehs is ok to make fun of urself BREEEEEEEEEH librehty 100%%%r
This hotel in my town
my second favorite conspiracy brehory involves the us govt, saudis and two buildings breh
I have found my spirit animal!
Ew light mode
Trench Coat
@backseat_driver 2
This gas pump thinks it's a mob boss
The way my cat sits
Well, of course
Pretty sureit was like this
Well that's one way to remember
Essential home schooling supplies at Trader Joe's
But I can only name three...
Since you guys liked the first one, here's another one of my cat sitting.
I didn't think it was possible
He’s such a good boi
Chicken Strip
Any Ideas Yet?
cat meme because cats are brehs breh
How to make people either uncomfortable or your lifelong friends
Time to conquer earth!
Time for a wake up call
The quality is irrelevant,
They did the math haha
might or might not be a rere
I accidentally bought my cat the wrong cat food
Who can you trust these days???
That pig was dope
She cute though
A sign at my work— Repetition is key!
Yes it's about that...
Shit's bugged
An Australian retailer doing their bit for COVID
He does have a point
A clear demonstration of priorities in Texas:
Deer for sale!
never thought about this but yeah
I like the smell of 2020 scent
I quit smoking cigarettes a week ago after 12 years of smoking. Help
Sign at school in none other than Florida.
Closed whiskey bar owner sells calendars of out of work staff to raise money for them
They will never know the struggle...
Coming to a theater near you next summer!
Oh yeeeeeaaaaa
First step: Identify the root of the problem
The only 2 books you'll ever need to gain all the Knowledge in the Universe
Paused Buffy to get lunch and came back to see this
I recently moved in with my GF. She allowed me to choose one decorative item... I think I nailed it
I’ll never see wolverine the same...
Passed by a math book example today.
That’s gotta be a heath code violation, but ok
Teacher hypes up class party all year. The Party:
A tricky situation
2020 themed comic.
Y’all think they’ll read the sign?
Hot doggos
Changing the world, one 'like' at a time.
Sign at my local dry cleaners
Thanks, i hate it.
People Seemed To Like My Last Silly Drawing So Here Is Another One About My Computer
This is what happened to all those toads you kissed before you found your prince!
Marriage is a minefield with green grass and flowers
Figuring it out
The dancer from my bachelor party
You'll show me how to make $10,000 overnight? Sign me up!
I saw this at the local store
Self aware.
On the novels of Tolkien, i hope
This made me crack up
Simpler times