he's is unstoppable with all the buffs this person aquired

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Why you must hurt me in this way sister? I am sensitive about that.
Brought a pillow with wife's printed face on a vacation since she can't go
can't believe they did it again
They're heartless scumbag
I have won but at what cost?
How could you not?
p i s s
I am not lying, try it yourself
Your thoughts?
based old man
Don't ask about physics.
Behold: the truth
God Left Us A While Ago
Rise of gru was mid
I Don’t Even Wanna Look
The price is $0.99 cheap and useful to make you look good.
My wife just went back to work and thinks I'm an idiot
All of them are horrible but Indonesia is just so forgotten when it comes to this matter
This literally could be an ad too.
She says if I make another arm and a leg joke she’s leaving me.
My new instrument arrived!
Everything you touch becomes solid gold, huh?
What society looked like in 1995 when MTV only played music
Oh the irony
Governor Sarah Palin becomes first female vice presidential candidate of a major party
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 674 ✓
this says a lot about our society
Black Troops Only
The Reynolds Pamphlet
Never swiped right harder in my life
American taxpayers funded some truly important research back in the day
Waku waku intensifies!
Off with their heads!
He sounded an interesting guy!
im to tired to do it myself
This is a bucket.
that bit when gru says "I'm rising" really put us in the mood
An important advice to y'all who consider to rope: Never skip leg day
anon doesn't appreciate cool sticks
Daily Machikado Mazoku #50 Maybe it was all just a dream
Wish me luck boys!
Maybe not the best spot to pause
watched the movie last night
someone lost the bet
He is vengeance. He is the night.
Already tired and haven’t even started
Sauce: Uchi no Otouto Maji de Dekain Dakedo Mi ni Konai?
god of thunder 3 is a masterpiece
They're using an advanced courtroom technique known as lying
Coin flip
i don't know why
Dishonor is the only option
See you in the Northern Territory
Josephine is quite the woman
Memes are making whole circle
2017. Rare photo of Mark Zuckerberg not wearing his flesh suit.
Today, 37 years ago, Boris Becker became youngest ever winner of the Wimbledon Championships.
True for men around the world.
Gotta respect the ogs
Rich poop
horsepower explained
I need proof
I have seen it happen
Spotted in North Dakota
Who seriously puts WHIPPED CREAM on a croissant?
TIL you can change a hotel TVs welcome message
What I see every time I get an update on my phone
Body expectations
Muh electric cars
We need to reach it
I don't know what to put up here
what is thy sin?
King of the Hill live action, yep