Touched his head one time last week and now he thinks he lives here. I may just give in and take him in.

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Astrology is trash
I just found out
They had us in both half's,not gonna lie
Are you loyal
Kanye West proposes to Kim Kardashian, 2014
The true Unholy Alliance
Give us newbies a chance :,(
LOL #zoommeetings
Excuse me! I ordered the family size Bleached P*ssy Couch for 6, not 5!
WTF he is searching for?
Feels good when the masses chant your name like that, dont you think boss?
Samuel L Jackson go brrrrrrr
Why such discrimination?
I'm with Anya
croc cheeks
I mean…it ain’t wrong…
Been shopping at this place since I was little and never noticed this
Why does she sit like this?
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 675 ✓
Irish brigade time
Posted by The National Park Service today
I’m a fire starter, a…
Found the studs
And we haven't talked about the Balkan peninsula yet
Naming issues
Would you but this mouse?
Happy day
Be careful out there my dudettes.
Iconic Key Pairs
Secretary Training School in New York City,
“Stranger Things” is stranger with subtitles
Wojtek, the bear who fought in Monte Cassino
No idea what this means.
And the pres got some coke
John did it
tru histoty
He played himself
Real life Aquaman.
I caught my dogs moment of evolving to walking upright
"&" Is Shorter Than "And."
Guess what my country is.
he's is unstoppable with all the buffs this person aquired
Why you must hurt me in this way sister? I am sensitive about that.
Brought a pillow with wife's printed face on a vacation since she can't go
can't believe they did it again
They're heartless scumbag
I have won but at what cost?
How could you not?
p i s s
I am not lying, try it yourself
Your thoughts?
based old man
Don't ask about physics.
Behold: the truth
God Left Us A While Ago
Rise of gru was mid
I Don’t Even Wanna Look
The price is $0.99 cheap and useful to make you look good.
My wife just went back to work and thinks I'm an idiot
All of them are horrible but Indonesia is just so forgotten when it comes to this matter
This literally could be an ad too.
She says if I make another arm and a leg joke she’s leaving me.
My new instrument arrived!
Everything you touch becomes solid gold, huh?
What society looked like in 1995 when MTV only played music
Oh the irony
Governor Sarah Palin becomes first female vice presidential candidate of a major party
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 674 ✓
this says a lot about our society
Black Troops Only
The Reynolds Pamphlet
Never swiped right harder in my life
American taxpayers funded some truly important research back in the day
Waku waku intensifies!
Off with their heads!
He sounded an interesting guy!
im to tired to do it myself
This is a bucket.
that bit when gru says "I'm rising" really put us in the mood
An important advice to y'all who consider to rope: Never skip leg day