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HL Discord: - OC Only - gigalol:-752598949
Commenter of the Month

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So ***ing deep
Ron Swanson likes Moby Dick
fooled ya
I've made a huge mistake
Bill Nye gettin high
The unmistakable look of defeat
My cat ancestors believe in me
The face of disappointment
Angel is spot on
Have we gone too far?
50 shades of Razer green
John Oliver is a brilliant troll
Not sure which one was more wrong
Putin droppin' rhymes
Spring is just around the corner
My new Life objective
So this is how hackers looks like, according to my local news
Oh ok
Updating the browsing habbits of this truck
Good advice
Mom's gonna be pissed
Do you even lift?
Oh Johnathan
Sometimes, stupidity is an art form.
That's what she said...miss michael scott
Sick flip, Dad!
And I still dont get how they all hung out in Milkshake Bar/Gymnasium
Dream big Chris
Very funny he is
The most important test
P. Fiddy from Vatican City
Like, whatever God.
Nanna Nanna Nanna Nanna Batman!
I'm 100% positive that this wont end well..
Darth Vader recruiting his minions
Get on with it.
Close enough....
Does this make me look fat?
God lookin out for a hustler
Words of Wisdom
Oak is batshit insane
dat feeling
You can't always get what you want
home sweet home
The media
In response to The Fappening
need it
Get spooked
He's ready
IT Guys haven't changed since the 1940s.
Warning: flammable load
When KFC rejects your job application
Snails often die from being A Salted
One hour and a half into 50 shades of Grey...
Check out ma mixtape!
Nick Offerman makes a case for Same Sex Marriage.
Ohh gramps
It is also his face when he ***s lil wayne
Don't Take your sons to zoo for this reason
well sh*t
Life as a mailman in fairytales
Not until 4.
Sharing is caring
black ppl be like
The difference between knowledge and wisdom.
We're trapped!
The Downside of White Privilege
A perfect couple: real life Disney
New smash character leaked
Best one so far.. I would go watch this one !
Found this in IT storage today
this is you, chasing your dreams
Spot the 4chan user
Just office things
Rashida Jones responds to reporter question
Cartman & Bart swap stories
Don't they play this game in prison?
Umm I don't think this is how it works
Instagram has its moments...
Joe Rogan on gay marriage
Good luck becoming a Donut without a Degree nowadays
Only in the internet will you be taken seriously
Second thoughts
UPS guy gives no ***s
Haiku by a Robot
When i show my friends Hiddenlol
i'm sure it's just a coincidence
Plasma TV
Squirrel popsicles for the poor , always look at the brightside
Because a deaf zombie is not a real zombie.
Who did this
I'm not welcome on social media
/b/ plays a game
Geography class with CNN
God's gifts
Oh ***, oh ***, oh ***
Italy doesn't trust anyone, not even themselves...